Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Coinchum is a peer-to-peer market with a wide range of cryptocurrency


New blockchain and cryptocurrency projects constantly appear on the market; most of them introduce innovative and superior functionalities and services ready to improve the delivery of services in the sector. Entrepreneurs and innovators work tirelessly to develop sophisticated and efficient platforms that can enhance existing systems. They seek collaboration with experienced cryptocurrency producers and industry experts, who can join their team and offer input to grow their network.

What is CoinChum?
Coinchum is a peer-to-peer market with a wide range of cryptocurrency offerings, including Bitcoin, USDT and Ethereum, XRP and Chum tokens. Coinchum integrates web-based features with an intuitive interface that allows users to learn from educational resources, as well as to trade cryptocurrencies using advanced market tools that enable efficient monitoring and analysis of market trends.

Coinchum’s purpose
Coinchum aims to horizontally expand into new market segments in the future, thus going beyond its initial function as an innovative trading platform for cryptocurrencies. Coinchum is committed to working closely with investors to ensure that their interests are integrated at every stage of the business process.

Why choose Coinchum?

Choices limited to coin selection — The voting system is open for users to suggest or even decide which coins to list. Users can suggest new PAYMENT METHODS and these suggestions will take priority.
Customer Service: Coinchum will have an easy to use ticketing system, quick response from online chat, quick resolution for login / account issues, quick withdrawal processing, Telegram group to resolve customer inquiries in time.
Wallet Security- In the insured Crypto Coinchum assets, they also introduced various security mechanisms such as anti-phishing verification, advanced verification software, withdrawal protection, white IP to protect customer funds.

Crypto Analysis Tool: An information terminal where traders will find whale account holders positions, global indices, trade volume rankings and so on. The powerful terminal lists important events and upcoming seasonal calendars / events that affect cryptocurrency prices. Detailed price analysis for each cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency Academy — Explains the most popular cryptocurrencies from A to Z. Educational resources include videos, tutorials, trading strategies and industry research. Users can post videos or articles on Coinchum’s educational channel and other users can view or pay for the content with CHUM tokens.

Inflexible pricing structures — At Coinchum, pricing structures are affordable and easy to use. Users can reduce more costs with Chum Tokens. Multi-level users have different badges and privileges
User Voice: Collect user opinions and suggestions on UX / UI customization and other user-oriented features.
Competitive analysis

What are CHUM tokens?
CHUM is based on the BEP-20 protocol, which is the token standard on the Binance Smart Chain that extends ERC-20, the most common Ethereum token standard. CHUM works as a native token of the Coinchum ecosystem.
Token name: CHUM BEP20
Total supply: 200,000,000
Private sale: 85,000,000
Public sales: 95,000,000
Soft Cap — 5,000,000 USD
Hard limit — 20,000,000 USD
Use of tokens
Commission Payments — Trading commissions can be paid with CHUM, with discounts of up to 50% on normal trading and withdrawal rates.
Security deposit for buyers and sellers on the platform: Coinchum will set different risk levels for the payment methods. High-risk payment methods will require CHUM as a security deposit to significantly reduce and exclude fraudulent activities.
Voting rights for coin lists or other priority activities: CHUM holders will have voting facilities on the platform to suggest which coins to register.
The right to access premium services from various schools: Using CHUM tokens, users can access various paid content on the education platform.

Token sale
The mass sale of CHUM tokens is divided into two parts: private sale and mass sale.
The private sale will begin on August 1, 2021 and will end on September 1, 2021. Each CHUM will be priced at $ 0.30 USD.
The mass sale will start on October 1, 2021 and end on December 1, 2021



Author Info
Username: Hasan986
Bitcoin Talk Profile link:;u=1072443
Bep20 BSC: 0x478C1358706c4F04dfdf34218585f306cEa8f5ac

Saturday, July 24, 2021

voltnft market ecosystem


Over the years, we've seen a lot of concern and hype regarding real-life use cases that promise to drive blockchain adoption. Well, it is not wrong to say that this year (2021) has ushered in a new phase in the adoption and application of blockchain technology, especially with the growing fame and popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Beeple's (a digital artist) recent NFT artwork sale for $ 69 million set a new record and the foundation for NFT. This achievement, which is the first of its kind, has raised the level of interest in NFT.

As a result of this development, we have seen many other cryptocurrency artists, creators and enthusiasts enter the NFT ecosystem. On top of that, the market for NFT is also significant enough to register your NFT as it allows them to have easy access to trade. This highlights the importance of the NFT market in the NFT domain. This article aims to discuss the concept of NFT and how VOLT NFT seeks to improve the NFT and NFT market ecosystem.


First, it is important to understand a basic explanation of what NFT is before providing an overview of the NFT market that this article attempts to explain. Non-fungible tokens commonly known by the acronym NFT, are a collection of digital assets. They are representations of works of art in digital form. The value of NFT is inherent in cryptocurrencies and takes the form of an artistic representation. Just like art, NFT also has its value. NFT is a digital token and can also be viewed as a form of cryptocurrency. The unique aspect of NFT is that it does not allow for similar exchanges or transactions. In other words, if you trade your NFT for another NFT, what you get will be very different from what you trade. Furthermore, an NFT can only have one owner at a time; that is, the owner has exclusive ownership rights over any form of NFT.

In addition, the uniqueness of the NFT data facilitates the verification of ownership and also the transfer of tokens between owners. There is a high level of integrity in proprietary data. The owner or creator of an NFT asset can store some specific information or details within it.


The NFT market plays an important role in trying to bring buyers and sellers together. Also, there are some examples where they provide additional tools for creating NFTs. The marketplace allows artists to list their artwork for sale and also makes it easier for buyers to inspect and purchase artwork of their choice. The NFT market is an important aspect of the current NFT buzz and trend as they ensure easier access to NFT. We have seen the development of many markets for NFT and this creates a lot of difficulty in making decisions about the best market for content creators and artists. VOLT NFT is arguably the first emerging market for NFT in the NFT ecosystem. The team's goal is to create an NFT market that guarantees maximum value and benefit.


VOLT NFT is a platform where users can buy, sell and even discover exclusive digital assets. Most of the NFT markets we have today are just NFT transaction platforms with no other initiatives or features. But with VOLT NFT, the goal is to make those experiences much more engaging and fluid and bridge the gap between producer and consumer by providing the best experience possible. VOLT NFT is not just a market for NFTs, but a digital marketplace for NFTs and other cryptographic collectibles. The goal is to create not only the best, but also the largest NFT market that provides different types of NFTs such as trading cards, artwork, crypto collectibles, sports among others.

One of the highlights of VOLT NFT is its multi-chain support. The purpose of this functionality is to develop a chain that goes beyond the ethereum blockchain network; create a multichain NFT platform so that users can easily store and trade their NFTs across multiple chains without any form of barrier. Although, in the early stages of launch, VOLT NFT will be launched on the ethereum blockchain network but will spread to other blockchains as they develop. This will certainly make it one of the most trusted high-end markets for NFT trading.

Furthermore, the VOLT NFT digital market can also be compared to amazon on the blockchain. Some items, including collectibles, works of art, etc., are protected by blockchain technology. The VOLT NFT platform is such that you can buy, sell and trade your NFT with anyone around the world. VOLT NFT is currently one of the fastest growing NFT markets for digital assets. The cross-chain capability of the VOLT NFT platform will allow

Token Name: VOLTNFT
Network : Ethereum
Symbol : Volty
Decimal : 18
Total Supply: 20,000,000 VOLT

Username: Hasan986

BTT profile link:;u=1072443

Erc20 adress: 0x478C1358706c4F04dfdf34218585f306cEa8f5ac



We follow our social media personalities, favorite artists, celebrities, tattoo artists, photographers to see all the amazing things they do and create, instead of just following them you can own some of their creations. With the Volt NFT marketplace, you can buy and sell digital goods, collectibles from your favorite artists. Buy your digital assets as non-fungible tokens also known as NFTs.

What is NFT?

Non-fungible tokens are tokenized versions of non-fungible assets such as works of art, real estate, collectibles. Non-exchangeable tokens can be used to create verifiable digital scarcity as well as digital property. The privileges of non-fungible tokens revolve around three (3) concepts, namely; Unique, rare and indivisible.

What is NFT VOLT?

Volt NFT is the first NFT marketplace that allows users to sell and buy collectibles and leverage NFT on multi-chain medium. The platform provides an ecosystem of services through an easy-to-use interface, connecting the community and enabling full transparency and traceability of collections.

Many NFT markets are just that: a market. Sufficient platform to carry out NFT transactions on the chain. However, according to Volt NFT, the NFT experience should be more than that. Volt NFT's mission is to bring content creators closer to consumers and provide the best experience for creators and customers.

Features NFT Volts

Multi-chain support - An important goal is to go beyond the ETH network and develop the first native multi-chain NFT platform, so that customers can store and trade their NFTs across multiple chains. Initially, VOLT NFT will be launched on the ETH network, adding more blockchains as they grow.

Launchpad NFT - VOLT NFT will provide a way for the VOLT NFT community to support and provide capital for new projects or upcoming NFT artists. NFT fundraising will only be held in native VOLT NFT tokens.

Decentralized and not allowed - The VOLT NFT framework is designed to maximize the benefits of owning and trading digital assets. The underlying technology relies heavily on blockchain and automated smart contracts.

What are VOLTY tokens?

VOLT NFT will use the VOLTY token to reward creators and traders, fundraising on the platform and governance.


Token name: VOLT NFT

Token ticker: VOLTY

Total supply: 20,000,000 VOLTY

Network: Ethereum

ID: 10%

Team: 15% (locked for 24 months)


Reward: 20%

Stake: 10%

Platform development: 10%

Use the VOLTY Token Case

Governance - Creators, merchants and all other VOLTY owners will decide the future of the project. We will vote for a more decentralized type of government. Using the VOLTY governance token, the owners will decide the roadmap, the new features implemented and the future objectives of the project.

Payments - The primary interchangeable digital currency is VOLTY for all Marketplace transactions.

Prizes - Prizes distributed and awarded for all uses will be denominated in VOLTY.

Fees - All fees for NFT Marketplace applications, including registration fees, are paid by VOLTY.

Launchpad: Fundraising on the platform for new creators and projects will only be done in VOLTY tokens.


NFTs have become very popular with cryptocurrency users and companies due to the way they are revolutionizing the gaming and collectibles space. Due to the rare nature of NFTs and the high demand from players, collectors and investors, people are often willing to pay a lot of money for them. VOLT NFT's goal is to eventually transfer power to a user-controlled software-based system. Any user, located anywhere in the world, can use VOLTY as a secure exchange of value. The platform provides an ecosystem of services through an easy-to-use interface, connecting the community and enabling full transparency and traceability of the collections.

Read more here:







Author: Username BTT: Hasan986

BTT Profile link:;u=1072443

Erc20 Adress: 0x478C1358706c4F04dfdf34218585f306cEa8f5ac

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The First Token Linking Learning Institutions, Students and Entrepreneurs- STUDENT COIN

Blockchain Technology is set to Fundamentally change how we live our lives. Despite the widespread adoption of blockchain in various other sectors, education has been largely untapped. This is largely due to the lack of infrastructure that enables learning institutions to interact seamlessly with each other.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

UnitedCrowd, a platform for attracting investment in new projects


Today, you can launch any consumer engagement platform without ever leaving your home.
When you decide what you really want and how you intend to bring your product to the masses, the question arises of where to get funding for your idea. This is a rather difficult phase, in which many good projects fail. In fact, to attract the initial investment, your product must be different from others and be of a higher level than competitors. Even if you’ve compared everything and are confident in your product’s competitive advantage, you’re wondering how and where to present it to potential investors.
UnitedCrowd, a platform for attracting investment in new projects, will help you understand this difficult problem. Here you will find ample opportunities to grow your project and attract initial investment for further development.
UnitedCrowd is an official platform registered in Germany, so you don’t have to worry about wasting time using the service, and here you will have maximum security when making transactions. UnitedCrowd only works with qualified and trusted investors and will help you find the right investors, in fact, taking all the work to finance your project.


UnitedCrowd offers programmable tokens. A high-level representation of the features created for our customers will have capabilities that are complemented by the various limitations of the robot that ultimately need to be executed correctly. For example, values starting with one component can generally move on to the next if certain conditions are met without requiring any work.
Tokens can be transmitted to the blockchain without an intermediate model and dynamically to all intents and purposes. Buyers and sellers can quickly and clearly negotiate together without delegation, e.g. intermediaries, distributors, general accountants, etc. Both players save time, but also costs for individual centers. In addition, the associations secure important opportunities because they can clearly organize their offers in the target market


UnitedCrowd provides you with a digital financing tool tailored to your needs. Our online platform enables you to acquire investors worldwide, attract customers and expand your community. We lead your company into the digital future — legally secure, individual and affecting the public.
1. Web Based Platform Solutions
Easily manage your campaigns via a browser or application. This will give you 24/7 access to investment and management statistics.
2. Digital contracts
Smart contracts provide the highest level of security and transparency and execute the state of the code on the blockchain.
3. Document management
Marketing materials, legal documents, instructions and guidelines are available to your investors through our platform.
4. Individual layout
We design the front end layout according to your ideas and adapt it to the design of your company. On the backend, the widget offers customizable stats.
5. Professional hosting
The online platform is hosted and managed by UnitedCrowd in a high security center.
6. Secure Sales Transactions
Your investors are vetted with KYC and AML, the token sale is automated, and the escrow service serves as collateral.

Tokenization is an automated solution to digitize value, including all rights and obligations contained in these values, by issuing tokens registered in the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) infrastructure. The resulting token represents a digital form of these values, which can be sent via the blockchain.

Compliance with the legal framework and regulatory mechanisms is guaranteed both off-chain and on-chain.
1. Editor’s review
Before UnitedCrowd created digital financial products, we checked publishers against required and evaluated fixed parameters. This includes, for example, due diligence, corporate governance and security, but also management, which, among other things, goes through standard checks and background checks on integrity and reputation risks.
2. Choice of types of financing
If the requirements are met and we are confident in the sustainability of the project, the decision on the type of funding follows the second phase. With the Tokenization Framework, different values ​​can be digitized with all the rights and obligations contained therein. Depending on the requirements and objectives of the company, these variants have a different suitability.


● Asset Token (financial asset)
Both liquid and illiquid assets can be represented as securities which are tokenized by the Asset Token. In this way, they can be converted into digital and proportional fractional ownership (partnership) and are accessible from international markets. This spectrum includes everything from cash, cash equivalents, savings accounts, real estate, precious metals or works of art to intangible assets such as patents, copyrights or trademark rights.

Equity tokens (shares)
Share tokens can represent a company’s shares and voting rights, as well as fund shares.
Debit token (right of complaint)
The token represents a debt request for repayment of the invested amount with or without interest. The range includes bonds, loans and bonds.
Token utility (service and usage rights)
Utility tokens represent usage rights and can be used, for example, to provide network access as a community token or to receive goods or services offered by the token issuer.




We who support this project definitely will doing to receive a lots of benefits from the ecosystem. We are with the project at the beginning so we know the structure and we can spread the voice and invite people to join this amazing project.


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Forum Username: Hasan986
Forum Profile Link:;u=1072443
Telegram Username: @Hasan2078
ETH Wallet Address: 0x478C1358706c4F04dfdf34218585f306cEa8f5ac

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Rise protocol is the unique ability


What is the Rise Protocol about ?

Rise Protocol is a synthetic rebasing asset with the unique ability to peg to any asset or combination of assets.

A first amongst rebase tokens, Rise also incorporates frictionless yield generation to reward holders, auto-liquidity generation and auto-reward distribution for liquidity providers, and deflationary mechanisms that increase in effect over time.

Rise Protocol Featurs:

1. Rebase Token

Rebase token initially pegged to Ethereum with powerful “Supermassive Black Hole” deflationary mechanisms.

2. Dynamic Peg

Fully adaptable to changing market and investor behavior, peg can be changed to any asset or asset class (BTC, DOT, LINK, USDC, etc.) in the future. This will be controlled through governance.

3. Frictionless Yield

2% of every transaction (except buys) is instantly and automatically distributed to all Rise holders. You will see your wallet balance increase with each transaction!

4. Auto-Liquidity Generation

1% of every sell is permanently locked into liquidity, meaning an ever increasing liquidity and sell floor

5. Liquidity Provider Rewards

1% of every sell is automatically distributed to our liquidity providers as a reward. If you provide liquidity, your Uniswap LP tokens will automatically increase in value over time.

How does Rise Protocol work?

  • Rise Protocol runs on the Ethereum network, the worlds most popular Decentralized platform.
  • With a plethora of advanced technologies, such as frictionless yield, a dynamic and adaptable peg, powerful deflationary mechanisms, and auto-liquidity generation make the Rise Protocol the most advanced rebase token in the world.
  • A percentage of each buy and sell transaction is automatically distributed to all the holders meaning extra tokens for doing absolutely nothing, except holding the token in your wallet.

Rise Protocol the problem

  • Other rebase tokens have a static peg that can never be altered, meaning as market and investor sentiments change, they fail to adapt with it. Rise protocol solves this design flaw with our adaptable and dynamic peg. This allows for flexibility and adaptability never seen before in rebase tokens.
  • Rise is unique and can be pegged to any asset. Our initial peg will be set to 0.01 ETH. It also uses “lag” which controls the rebase amounts as to not over inflate or deflate our supply. If the lag is 5 and we’re due for a 100% rebase it is divided by 5 giving a 20% rebase. This ensures sustainability of the project coupled with its other deflationary mechanisms. The lag can be adjusted depending on market conditions.

What are Rise Protocol key advantages?

  • Rise Protocol has the unique ability to peg to any asset class or combination of assets. Other rebase tokens have a static peg that can never be altered, meaning as market and investor sentiments change, they fail to adapt with it. Rise protocol solves this design flaw with our adaptable peg.
  • Unlike any other rebase token around, Rise also incorporates frictionless yield generation to reward holders, auto-liquidity generation and auto-reward distribution for liquidity providers.
  • Other rebase tokens will remove tokens on a daily basis from your wallet if the token price is below peg. Rise Protocol has powerful deflationary mechanisms that increase in effect over time. If a positive rebase is not achieved 3 days in a row then a supply adjustment occurs to bring the price of Rise back to peg.

Why does the market need Rise Protocol?

Rise Protocol is the worlds most advanced rebase token that through governance can be adapted and dynamically pegged to any asset class depending on investor and market sentiment, allowing for a level of flexibility and adaptability never seen before in any rebase token.

A daily rebase occurs if the token price is above peg, meaning holders will automatically receive more tokens in their wallets. There are powerful deflationary mechanisms in place to maintain the value of Rise to it’s peg, but if after 3 days of no positive rebases, and not being within 5% of peg, then a supply adjustment occurs to automatically bring the price back to peg.

Frictionless yield technology is also embedded within the Rise Protocol, which means that just by holding the Rise token in your wallet, holders will receive extra tokens as a percentage of every buy and sell transaction is distributed back to the holders.

What is Rise Protocol fee structure?

There is a 7% fee on all sales. This is broken down into the following :

  • 3%: sent to the black hole, burnt and destroyed forever.
  • 1.5%: permanently locked into liquidity.
  • 1.5%: automatically distributed to liquidity providers.
  • 1%: distributed automatically via frictionless yield to all holders.

There is a 3 % fee on all purchases. This is broken down into the following :

  • 1%: sent to the black hole, burnt and destroyed forever.
  • 0.5%: permanently locked into liquidity.
  • 0.5%: automatically distributed to liquidity providers.
  • 1%: distributed automatically via frictionless yield to all holders.

Token sale details

Rise Protocol is the worlds most advanced rebase token. During the presale period, we are offering 1 RISE token for 0.01 ETH. A total of 37,500 RISE is available for presale. Minimum contribution per wallet is 0.5 ETH, maximum contribution per wallet is 4 ETH. Please register for the whitelist as this will guarantee you an allocation in the presale. Remaining RISE tokens from the whitelist presale, if any, will be offered in an open public presale 1 hour later.

Rise Protocol Tokens:

  • Hard cap: 375 ETH
  • Total presale amount: 37,500 RISE
  • Total initial supply: 100,000 RISE
  • Whitelist Presale Begins: February 7th. 2021, 20:00 UTC
  • Whitelist Presale Ends: February 7th, 2021, 21:00 UTC
  • Public Presale Begins: February 7th, 2021, 22:00 UTC

Distribution of Tokens

Rise Protocol Roadmap

he idea and concept

November 2020 – the project idea is born. Plans are drawn up and smart contracts are created.

Beta testing

December 2020 – Extensive testing on Ropsten testnet to ensure everything down to the smallest detail works as designed.

Token presale

January 2021 – Seed investors sale followed by a presale in February 2021 with 37500 Rise on offer.

Code audit and go live

February 2021 – Professional code audit and launch of Rise Protocol on Uniswap.

Q2 enhancements

Q2 2021 – New partnership announced to create additional transactions, generating more tokens for holders of Rise, utilizing frictionless yield. Launch of the governance platform.

Q3 enhancements

Q3 2021 – Implement Chainlink Price Oracles to further enhance the adaptable and dynamic peg function. Further enhance the rebase dashboard to pull in additional feeds.

Rise Protocol Team

Shuaps - Technical Lead, Project Management & Strategy
PBL00 - Branding, Strategy & Development
Jamie - Development, Auditing & Strategy
Andy - Website, Social Media & Community Manager
Radinho - Website, Social Media & Community Manager
CJ - Marketing
CryptKeep3r - Website, Social Media & Community Manager


Official Resources:









Bitcointalk: Hasan986