Sunday, March 25, 2018


Tipper is a social media-based "ekonosystem" that allows users to act like a "tip". When you share a post on Tipper Platform, other users may notify you that you are using a native TIPR token from the network. So your nagging and meditation can finally pay for your morning coffee.
Tipper is the first decentralized social media platform established with joint monetization. This next generation platform will offset the monetization and benefit equations for all users by providing incentives for cultural tips; platforms that offer benefits and benefits to popular content creators, shared users and advertisers; a platform that uses the combined power of people to bring about revolutionary changes for individuals and collectives.
Tipper Benefits
Platforms that empower and provide benefits to popular creators, common users and advertisers. A platform that harnesses the combined power of the people to bring these revolutionary changes to the individual and the collective. Companies like Uber and Airbnb, have recognized the power to utilize people and resources (cars, rooms), have a hug in the future, from bringing monetization opportunities to the masses. These companies change the world because they create a way for the average person to generate more income. Thus, Tipper will become Uber and Airbnb's social media who become drivers and people's stuff with spare rooms, but with content as a commodity for user monetization. The Tipper platform will allow anyone to monetize money from their online activities and earn more from life.
Ad revenue comes to the user.
Tipper is an adaptation for each client, so the population can flourish. For this reason, 100% of all advertising revenue is addressed to customers. This progressive motivator is designed to strengthen the social economy, because billions of dollars are encouraging to be distributed among the population. This is influenced by the minimal effort that Decentralization decentralization may have. The labeled tip is also a model for changing sponsorship sponsorship. This is a progressive double gain, as advertisers buy advertising space, and also receive money translated into powerful TipTM. Momentification.
The world we live in is filled with energy and beautiful minutes - minutes, which we all offer and celebrate. Tipper, also allows them to cash money. This protocol will be used to raise funds for revenue generation, allocating resources for the population as a whole. Instant income will depend on Tipper's social economy for distributed flow. Another period of group financing, which serves the population as a whole. There is no limit Laiki, voice and views limit the expression of their attitudes toward people when viewing social networking, and TIPS is not limited due to the diversity of human feelings and emotions. Tipper get in the post, but now there is the possibility of their monetization. Type of hoarse dressing. Now users are encouraged to put more types, because from here they benefit.
Tipper Smart Contract
Focus Tipper Blockchain Protocol is to facilitate trade as much as possible. We will use the Ethereal virtual machine as a base, and oversee the progress of further enhancements, such as parallel processing, from projects like EOS and others.
Ethics thus makes the case belong to Turing at the same cost as not owning it. So it's better to have me and we will also apply them in our current vision, because the tipper blockchain has a smart contract. However, this will happen with a focus on simple and efficient contract-based economic transactions and not a common computing environment. As a result, the "gas" costs will be structured to allow value transactions, and prevent common calculations, but are optimized for use cases such as Branded Tips and Investing Content.
Tipper Blockchain
The next generation protocol designed to help decentralize the Internet, must handle the largest component of the future, which is the video streaming data. Therefore this new network should be able to facilitate the ordering of more transactions in the form of micropayments that are required for it. However, in the current paradigm, the only way to manage is through centralization, and this is what big corporate members use, causing problems we face today.
Videos mostly internet traffic and anticipated to be bigger and bigger. To decentralize ultimate reality and eliminate power imbalances, we introduce Tipper Blockchain Protocol which has the following features:
- 250.000 Micropayments / s (For Decentralized Youtube video scale)
- 50.000 transaction / s (For tip on blockchain)
- Mining Transaction Level (Breaking the Mining Pool)
- Multichain Mining (scalability)
- Mining Host Quality of service
- Private
About Tipper ICO
Initial Coutin Offtring (ICO), probably in some cases until the 20th Century. If you want to invest in TiPlus you may lose about seven million dollars, but only 30% of the amount they will get it. 10% of tokens will be stored by fоundеrѕ and most recently will be mined. The higher value is $ 0.25 USD per tci.
The most recent company has excellent research and planning in the future that is so easy to do in this place is a thing to do. What you may get from doing ICOs can be used on the Tipper platform, but if you do not use your words in Tipper because you can do so for other purposes, you should not get ROI (Rеturn Of Investment) from the last one.
Permanent residents or in the United States or Finland, there is no need to participate in the following. All раrtiраntѕ ѕntеr intо ѕеlе ѕейе етеntѕ оnlу after reading and agreeing tеrmѕ and аѕеmеntеѕ. If you are not interested, you should clarify correctly and improve all areas in our field. It is your choice to ensure your honesty if you can make a decision, so be sure to do so. If you come from the people above or among other very famous people and you may start making the more simple and more important decisions, you need to know more and better, then we are not responsible. The results and capabilities have just started, which you must do and agree on, to get the TIPR token. TIPR tokens are not security or speculative objects.
Sales summary

Total supply | 700 million species
For Sale | 200 million TIPR
Hard hats | $ 50 million
Soft Hat has $ 15 million
1 ETH = 4,000 TYPES
total supply
700 million
30% for sales (unlocked)
Bootstrap 60%
Miners & users (locked)
Founder 10% (locked)
of sales
Development of 60%
Operation 20%
20% marketing
Sales Token
200 million
PRA-SALE | 20 million species
1 TIPR = 0.20 USD
1 TIPR = 0.25 USD

1 ETH = 4,000 TIPR (ending March 31)
After completing and submitting this form, you will be directed to the next page where you will see the address of our purchase agreement. Submit your ETH to this address. At the end of the main sale, we will send your Tippertoken to the wallet address you gave us on the form below.
Submit ETH at the same address as the registration form below. We only send tokens to the same address. In addition, we only send TIPR to the address we receive from ETI. MEW wallet only. Please do not send ETH from the Exchange folder. Please note that we did not send the token to the change wallet.
That comes first, first serve. Position is only locked after ETH successfully sent, not only by registration.
If someone you refer purchases a TIPR token, you get 5% of the token the person purchased.
This price is valid for all token sales.
The registration form contains the column "Referral Code". In this field, the registrant must enter the referral code of the designee. Similarly, all transaction confirmation emails contain reference codes that you can provide to other users.
For those who want to start now before they receive their transaction confirmation email (or if they have previously received their transaction confirmation email before the referral code is assigned), please accept our private message in Telegram or send us an e-mail Let us spread the word away and spacious. Happy earnings.
Reasons Why You Should Choose a Tipper
A platform that harnesses the combined power of the people to bring this revolutionary change to individuals and collectives. Companies like Uber and Airbnb, have recognized the power to utilize people and resources (cars, rooms), have a hug in the future, from bringing monetization opportunities to the masses. These companies change the world because they create a way for the average person to generate more income. Tipper is a platform that empowers and rewards popular creators, common users and advertisers. The Tipper platform will allow one to monetize money from their online activities and earn more from life. Thus, Tipper will be Uber's and Airbnb's social media who become drivers and stuff people with spare rooms, but with content as a commodity for user monetization.
Conclusion (My Personal Evaluation)
Social media tops the list as one of the best use cases for the internet and the brand has spent billions of dollars on advertising on current social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, but most ads do not reach targeted audiences or users usually opt out ads whenever they appear
With platforms like social Tipper media users will spend more time fully knowing that they will be earning for the time it takes on the Tipper platform and this will attract more users and brands into the system and also increase demand for projects and return large investments for investors. This token is a long-term HODL for me and I rate this project high in my standards for evaluating ICO projects
Tipper has scheduled their ICO for their TIPR sales token You can participate and join in the sale of the upcoming token.
For more information visit the link below:
Kertas Putih:
Alamat ETH: 0x26710628faEa62aAC68A38DeA5A3C619483a55EB

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