Thursday, June 14, 2018

InRating: The ideal social network

The more people become owners of smartphones, the more they are involved in social networks - platforms that allow you to share content, show social activity and communicate online. In this regard, more and more people are becoming users of social networks, such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and many others.
Statistics show that a modern user spends on social networks from one to four hours every day. And, the younger the person, the higher this figure. Social networks have become a convenient way of communication, spending free time, dating and social activity, as well as doing business and implementing effective marketing campaigns.
The Facebook audience, according to dreamgrow, reaches more than 2 billion users, YouTube - 1.5 billion, and Instagram - about 800 million. But, as it turned out, despite its huge and progressively growing popularity, social networks have a number of significant problems and difficulties that make their use is much less convenient and in demand, as it could be.
In this review, we will talk about a completely new social network based on blocking technology and crypto-currency, called InRating and aimed at addressing the problems that have emerged in such a phenomenon as social networks.
In the first article we'll talk about what the idea of ​​the project is and its key points, and in the next two we'll learn about its features, opportunities and advantages that InRating allocates among other social networks.

The idea of ​​the project

The creators of the InRating project run it to create a social network that takes into account all the flaws of the other platforms to create a truly perfect social network, or at least close to the ideal. In this regard, the task of the founders of the project is to provide their users with the maximum amount of opportunities to use the platform as a social network.
Partially, InRating functionality will be realized through the use of blocking technology. So, it will be effectively applied in the internal crypto-currency purse and tokens of the project, as well as in the process of rating users and voting, but these two features of the platform will be discussed in the following articles.

In addition, the social network InRating is designed not only for private users, but also for corporate, that is, entrepreneurs and business owners. In this regard, the platform participants have the opportunity to create both a personal and a commercial account.
This feature of InRating is due to the fact that the social network will partially perform the functions of an advertising platform that allows its customers to advertise their services and products in its advertising space. Thus, InRating will become both a perfect social network and an advertising platform.
The social network will be available as mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as web versions on PCs and smartphones. In addition, against the backdrop of popularity and the tendency to create social networks of media format, in which the main emphasis is on visual content, InRating will enter precisely this category of social networks.

Two platform tokens

The simultaneous release of two coins within the framework of one project is encountered, although not for the first time, but it is rather rare. The InRating platform will be exactly that, so during the project two ATMs will be issued simultaneously - INCoin and INToken.
INToken are tokens that will be used during the ICO to sell and raise funds for the implementation of the project. In the future, each owner of the tokens will be able to receive INCoin coins in a proportional volume, the number of which is calculated on the basis of advertising revenue for the previous month.
The INCoin coin is an internal coin, and will be used by participants to pay for individual platform services, including advertising publications, premium accounts and other services. Coins can be obtained in three ways: either purchased in the internal purse of the platform, or earn for filling in information about the profile for authentication purposes, or as a reward for getting into the TOP rating.
In the next part of the InRating project overview, we will start talking about individual features and features of the social network , including the rating system, the ability to monetize the account and the multilanguage platform.
Official website:
White Pages: whitepaper
Bitcointalk: Hasan986

Monday, June 11, 2018

Multi-buy- MB8 Coin-- Ico.

Overview of the Eurocredit Plus loyalty award nominees
Since 2005, Multibuy has been using its traditional reward system for adherence. Despite the fact that to date the system of ordinary prizes is highly effective, it can demonstrate costly work and supervision, especially when scaling up development in the world market. In such expansive scales, focal dispersion and support is work, escalation, strategically difficult and open for extortion or misuse of the structure

**Why do we switch from Eurocredit Plus? **
Effectively demonstrated and extremely fruitful, the development of our Eurocredit Plus remuneration system has become an obvious chance to use the efficiency that Blockchain’s innovation brings. Ousting our traditional “demonstration of remuneration beyond the frame”, we plan to spread to numerous new markets, using the advancement of this energy-consuming space. This progress will also consider a stage that will be greatly improved and expanded in the interests of all members. After sending, ourexisting Eurocredit Plus prize stage will be next to new customers and will be replaced by our crypto currency called MB8 Coin.
Why MB8 Is the coin unusual?
The MB8 coin will be used as a “fuel” for organizing rewards for the current award. MB8 Coin will become the main crypto currency that will be released with demonstrated true use and will be recognized as a part or whole package within the current system of sellers and retailers. MB8 Coin is set up to lay the foundation for prize arrangements, which are currently used under the white name of more than 2,100 organizations.
For what reason did we decide to launch our own Blockchain?
We needed to add security and integrity to our premiums. Early tests showed that this innovation was ideal for replacing our current specialized device. Creating our own chain allows us to control the distribution, consolidation, support and development of the system.

A block-based device

This will allow us to simplify the scaling procedure and save money on running costs. After a more in-depth study and conference, the additional benefits of switching to a token of remuneration based on crypto currency are:
• Thanks to investments in system security, you can receive a reward of 5% per year, as additional tokens.
• MB8 signs are scattered through ICO to people in general, to new and existing business associates.
• Failure to deceive or make additional bonus bonuses MB8.
• Unlimited and fast exchanges, unmatched for the world’s foremost market.
• Using the MB8 token through distributed darting and exchange on crypto transactions will reveal the true value.
• Attract new customers to use the stages of prizes, as well as bring a lot of new sellers, organizations and sites for prizes.

The sale of tokens The

**key fact **

• MB8 Coin decentralizes, makes and gives a limited number of used tokens within the upgraded Multibuys reward system.
• Multibuy has teamed up with 2,100 organizations and is rapidly evolving.
• This change will make Multibuy the most common, different and modern reward system for reliability.
• It will attract business partners, financial specialists, examiners and respected new clients.

**The cost of coins **

We give all this tremendous opportunity to be associated with the achievement and development of the MB8 coin by purchasing tokens on a small amount of officially confirmed 1 euro assessment inside the dynamic premiums and reliability reliability of Multibuys. After the evaluation of a coin MB8, similar to each cryptographic currency, can not be guaranteed (or guaranteed) on an open cryptographic display to preserve its value of 1 euro, nevertheless, it will be reliably estimated when assessing 1 euro within the prizes themselves,
In the event that, however, the valuation of MB8 goes beyond 1 euro, and as the system develops, we plan to see it, your MB8 coin will have more incentive than 1 euro, which at that time would be reliable. Of course, you can offer your MB8 coin to a deal with a profit, since it will depend on them from business associates and brokers.

Expansion and development

As the stage grows, our Blockchain organization is equipped to get acquainted with additional administrations offering some incentives or other motivating forces for business associates and clients. After the completion of the ICO, the owners of the MB8 Coin privileges will be conducted by Multibuy Company Limited.

**For more information, please visit **

Eth Address: 0x26710628faEa62aAC68A38DeA5A3C619483a55EB

Saturday, June 9, 2018

INS ecosystem (INS has the prerequisites to perform an ambitious task of disrupting the grocery industry)

This white paper explores global grocery market challenges, a technology paradigm shift
offering transformative potential, and the business and technical aspects of the solution INS is
developing for capitalizing on this potential. Highlights of the paper follow below:
The grocery market, one of the largest consumer markets in the world, is forecast to reach $8.5
trillion by 2020. It is reaching a digital tipping point, with much of its growth to come from
online. Online grocery, being the target segment for INS, is expected to grow from $98 billion in
2015 to $290 billion in 2020, according to IDG estimates.
Despite the tremendous growth, the grocery market has two large interrelated
problems - abuse by grocery retailers and ineffective trade promotions.
INS has the prerequisites to perform an ambitious task of disrupting the grocery
industry based on our deep industry knowledge and confirmed interest from the
largest grocery manufacturers in the world.

❖ The grocery market is one of the largest consumer markets in the world: it is expected
to reach $8.5 trillion by 2020 with up to 50% share of a customer’s wallet
❖ Grocery retailers have acquired a dominant market share and high concentration: up to
90% of the market in many countries is controlled by a handful of retailers
❖ The grocery industry is reaching a digital tipping point, with much of its growth
expected to come from online
The global grocery industry is forecasted to grow at a 6.1% annually from 2016 to 2020,
reaching an estimated $8.5 trillion in 2020. The grocery market is a defensive one which
means that it tends to stay stable in good and bad economic times, given there will always be a
demand for food.
One of the biggest segments of retail and comprising a significant share of the consumer’s
wallet, the industry has a deep impact on grocery sector stakeholders, particularly
manufacturers and consumers. As an example of the consumer impact, the figure below shows
the portion of consumers’ household spending on food in a variety of countries.
Share of household expenditures spent on groceries
14 Source: Persistence Research, Food Retail Market Will Reach $8,541.9 Billion Globally

❖ Online grocery, being the target segment for INS, is expected to grow from $98 billion
in 2015 to $290 billion in 2020
❖ Grocery is the last major consumer market moving rapidly into online, offering
tremendous opportunities for those who will lead this shift
❖ INS is well equipped to lead in the online grocery segment and is addressing key
consumer demands - cheaper prices, higher convenience, better quality, and unique
rewards directly from manufacturers
The global online grocery market increased by 16% in 2016. IGD projects double-digit annual
growth rates for online grocery in largest markets by 2020. Top 10 global markets alone are
expected to explode from $98 billion in 2015 to $290 billion in 2020.

The INS ecosystem will become the first global decentralized grocery marketplace where
consumers can buy products directly from manufacturers, enjoy low transparent prices for a
wide range of high quality products, and save on direct promotions. Manufacturers compete for
consumers and interact with them directly.
Comparison with competitors

INS Ecosystem Limited, incorporated as a BVI company (“INS”), is the official entity that creates
the INS tokens, platform and technology. INS is focused on releasing open source cryptographic
technologies that enable operation in the INS ecosystem. For the avoidance of doubt, the INS
tokens do not provide token holders with any ownership or other interest in INS. Token holders
are not entitled to any guaranteed form of dividends, revenue distributions, and voting rights.
To become an ecosystem participant, the user creates an account on the INS platform. During
the registration, the system will create a user profile and a wallet. Each participant of the
ecosystem will be provided with a wallet that preserves all data in the decentralized database
and interact with other parties, utilizing smart contracts. We plan to place the INS token on
cryptographic token exchanges, giving an opportunity to openly buy them (to residents of
countries where the purchase of digital tokens does not violate local laws).

The ecosystem will be built in accordance with a scalable and decentralized approach that
ensures stability and sustainability in the long term.
The ecosystem will involve the following participants, which will participate as depicted in the
next diagram:
● Platform
● Consumers
● Manufacturers
● Fulfillment (fulfillment center operators and workers, couriers)

The INS platform is a decentralized marketplace that allows manufacturers to join, publish their
products for sale, carry out promotion and loyalty campaigns, and get feedback from
consumers. It enables consumers to order those products and facilitates the order fulfillment
INS roles include:
● INS token creation and the token launch to fund development and expansion
● Establishment of a decentralized, fair and secure model for order execution
● Development of smart contracts to run the order payment and fulfillment process
● Release of the customer website and app, fulfillment app for fulfillment center workers
and couriers, and web interfaces for manufacturers and fulfillment center operators
● Creation of an effective incentive model for all parties to join the INS ecosystem
● Development of an active marketing campaigns to ignite initial traction
● Elaboration of the ecosystem’s regulatory aspects

Blockchain is a shared-database technology, mostly popular for underpinning bitcoin digital
currency. It works with linked databases that update digital ledgers unceasingly.
Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer
and seller being directly written into lines of code. The code and the agreements contained
therein exist across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network. Smart contracts permit
trusted transactions and agreements to be carried out among disparate, anonymous parties
without the need for a central authority, legal system, or external enforcement mechanism. They
render transactions traceable, transparent, and irreversible.
The INS platform is designed as a very high-load system. The market potential for the INS
ecosystem consists of millions of users, each of them making dozens of orders per year. The
main focus is on performance, in which we seek smart contracts support, predictability, stability,
and ease of use. We plan to use the most proven and scalable open source technologies and
constantly monitor alternative technical implementations.
As the existing blockchain platforms such as Ethereum have inherent limitation in transaction
bandwidth (currently limiting to a dozen tx/sec), and prospective platforms and frameworks are
only in the development stage, we also consider designing and developing our own INS
blockchain platform in the future, where nodes are selected from a semi-trusted set of
supporters. Given the trust in the nodes, we will implement one of much faster consensus
algorithms from the BFT family (HoneyBadgerBFT/Zyzzyva/others), enabling up to thousands
transactions per second. A smart contract virtual machine will run on top of the consensus
algorithm. The state of the INS blockchain will be regularly anchored to the most popular smart
contract ledgers (at least ETH) so that proofs of state and proofs of transaction (within INS) can
be verified by Ethereum smart contracts (like it is currently done in BTCRelay or will be done in
the future in Plasma). Common optimization techniques such as state sharding and payment
channels will be also implemented.

Our roadmap involves many different aspects, such as technology development, operational
infrastructure installment, signing partnerships, and launching marketing initiatives. The
preliminary roadmap is presented below. Dates and activities may be subject to change.

Start date: 11:00 AM (GMT) on DECEMBER 4, 2017
Payment methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, USD (bank transfer)
Soft cap: 20,000 ETH
Hard cap: 60,000 ETH
Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 300 INS tokens
Total token supply (max): 50,000,000
Min purchase: 0.1 ETH

The funds raised during the ICO are planned to be used in accordance with the roadmap.
Planned fund allocation % Amount
Research & Development 50.0% $9,000,000
Marketing & Sales 27.8% $5,000,000
Admin & Operations 14.4% $2,600,000
Legal 2.8% $500,000
Contingency 5.0% $900,000
Our roadmap assumes development of all features for the INS platform and feature-rich apps
and interfaces for all ecosystem participants, as well as a strong sales and marketing support to
accelerate adoption by manufacturers and consumers.
Research & Development costs cover all R&D expenses, including design and development of
smart contracts, cryptographic mechanisms, the INS platform, apps and interfaces, SDK, etc.
Includes opening of an R&D center with approximately 35 engineers.
Admin & Operations costs include salaries of all INS employees excluding the R&D team.
Marketing & Sales budget will be allocated on acquisition of both manufacturers and
Legal costs include all legal expenses associated with expansion of the INS ecosystem in
different countries.
Contingency fund is calculated as 5% of the total budget.

More Info:

BTT Link:;u=1072443 (Hasan986)
Eth Address: 0x26710628faEa62aAC68A38DeA5A3C619483a55EB