Thursday, June 14, 2018

InRating: The ideal social network

The more people become owners of smartphones, the more they are involved in social networks - platforms that allow you to share content, show social activity and communicate online. In this regard, more and more people are becoming users of social networks, such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and many others.
Statistics show that a modern user spends on social networks from one to four hours every day. And, the younger the person, the higher this figure. Social networks have become a convenient way of communication, spending free time, dating and social activity, as well as doing business and implementing effective marketing campaigns.
The Facebook audience, according to dreamgrow, reaches more than 2 billion users, YouTube - 1.5 billion, and Instagram - about 800 million. But, as it turned out, despite its huge and progressively growing popularity, social networks have a number of significant problems and difficulties that make their use is much less convenient and in demand, as it could be.
In this review, we will talk about a completely new social network based on blocking technology and crypto-currency, called InRating and aimed at addressing the problems that have emerged in such a phenomenon as social networks.
In the first article we'll talk about what the idea of ​​the project is and its key points, and in the next two we'll learn about its features, opportunities and advantages that InRating allocates among other social networks.

The idea of ​​the project

The creators of the InRating project run it to create a social network that takes into account all the flaws of the other platforms to create a truly perfect social network, or at least close to the ideal. In this regard, the task of the founders of the project is to provide their users with the maximum amount of opportunities to use the platform as a social network.
Partially, InRating functionality will be realized through the use of blocking technology. So, it will be effectively applied in the internal crypto-currency purse and tokens of the project, as well as in the process of rating users and voting, but these two features of the platform will be discussed in the following articles.

In addition, the social network InRating is designed not only for private users, but also for corporate, that is, entrepreneurs and business owners. In this regard, the platform participants have the opportunity to create both a personal and a commercial account.
This feature of InRating is due to the fact that the social network will partially perform the functions of an advertising platform that allows its customers to advertise their services and products in its advertising space. Thus, InRating will become both a perfect social network and an advertising platform.
The social network will be available as mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as web versions on PCs and smartphones. In addition, against the backdrop of popularity and the tendency to create social networks of media format, in which the main emphasis is on visual content, InRating will enter precisely this category of social networks.

Two platform tokens

The simultaneous release of two coins within the framework of one project is encountered, although not for the first time, but it is rather rare. The InRating platform will be exactly that, so during the project two ATMs will be issued simultaneously - INCoin and INToken.
INToken are tokens that will be used during the ICO to sell and raise funds for the implementation of the project. In the future, each owner of the tokens will be able to receive INCoin coins in a proportional volume, the number of which is calculated on the basis of advertising revenue for the previous month.
The INCoin coin is an internal coin, and will be used by participants to pay for individual platform services, including advertising publications, premium accounts and other services. Coins can be obtained in three ways: either purchased in the internal purse of the platform, or earn for filling in information about the profile for authentication purposes, or as a reward for getting into the TOP rating.
In the next part of the InRating project overview, we will start talking about individual features and features of the social network , including the rating system, the ability to monetize the account and the multilanguage platform.
Official website:
White Pages: whitepaper
Bitcointalk: Hasan986

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